Pryor Middle School
Student Services
Student Services Staff
Brittany Sands, M.Ed, Counselor
Candace Boldin, M.Ed, Counselor
Kim Oliver, Registrar/Secretary
Phone: 850-833-3613, Ext. 3
Fax: 850-833-4276
"School counselors are uniquely qualified to assist students with overcoming barriers to learning." ASCA

General Information
Special Programs

Grading Policies
Students are assigned grades in all of their courses. Standards based assignments are 70% of their grade, and other coursework is 30% of their grade. The grading scale is as follows:
A 100-90
B 89-80
C 79-70
D 69-60
F 69-0
If you have questions regarding grading in your student's courses, please contact the individual teachers. Student Services is available to set up parent/teacher conferences as needed. Grades can be check by using Parent Portal. Click here for a Parent Portal instruction sheet. Failure to pass classes with a D or higher will result in the student retaking those courses.
Promotion/retention is based on the number of credits a student earns by passing classes. A student must earn 12 credits in the core areas in order to be promoted to high school.
3 credits in mathematics
3 credits in English language arts
3 credits in science to include earth/space, life, and physical science
3 credits in social studies to include world history, civics, and United States history

Students are retained based on failure to earn credit in core areas. Students cannot be socially retained. Retention guidelines are as follows:

Credit Recovery
There are many options available for students to recover courses. Plan of Care tutoring is held after school, and bus trasnportaion is provided. Students can take a credit recovery class during the school day in lieu of an elective course. Students may also be invited to attend summer school. All credit recovery options are done using the Edgenuity platform. Students may also elect to take courses at home by enrolling part time with Okaloosa Online or Florida Virtual School. Please contact your student's counselor to disucss the options available to best meet their needs.
Graduation Requirements
Click here for graduation requirements and other important information from the Florida Department of Education.
Pryor offers a number of high school credit courses to advance your student and help boost their GPA. Pryor is also proud to offer CTE courses in the areas of construction and technology that can satisfy components to earn a Bright Futures scholarship. Please speak with your student's counselor regarding how they can fulfill graduation requirements at Pryor!
Testing Information
Participation in the statewide testing program, which consists of the FSA, State EOC assessments and alternate assessments, is mandatory for all 3-12 students attending public schools. The assessment of reading shall be administered annually in grades 3-10, writing in grades 4-10, math in grades 3-8, and science in grades 5 and 8. State EOC assessments for a subject shall be administered in addition to the comprehensive assessments required under 1008.22 (3)1 F.S.
The following courses at Pryor have an EOC, and are 30% of the final grade:
Algebra I Honors
Geometry Honors